The Case for Human-Assisted AI in Healthcare Documentation

the case for human-assisted ai in healthcare documentation

In the rapidly advancing landscape of healthcare, where time is precious and the demands on providers are increasing, having an effective documentation solution is essential. Healthcare providers need tools that not only streamline their administrative tasks but also improve accuracy and compliance, without adding an extra burden on their already demanding schedules.

The Challenges of AI-Only Solutions in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in healthcare, offering automated scribing solutions that promise to save time and reduce administrative workload.

However, relying solely on AI for clinical documentation can present challenges. Many providers find that AI-generated notes, while useful, often require significant editing. This is because AI, despite its capabilities, can struggle with nuances in medical language, context, and the specific needs of individual providers.

This often leads to inaccuracies, requiring providers to spend additional time correcting errors rather than saving time.

Many companies assume that providers can easily edit AI-generated notes, but in reality, this process can become cumbersome and time-consuming. Providers not only end up editing these notes but also performing other administrative tasks like chart prep, which ultimately negates the intended efficiency gains of AI. As a result, the productivity boost promised by AI alone often falls short in real-world scenarios.

Why Human-Assisted AI is the Future of Clinical Documentation

A hybrid approach that combines the efficiency of AI with the accuracy and contextual understanding of a human scribe can address these challenges effectively. Human-assisted AI takes the best of both worlds: the speed and automation capabilities of AI, and the judgment, adaptability, and precision of human expertise.

Enhanced Accuracy: While AI is powerful, it may sometimes miss nuances in speech or the specific context of a medical encounter. By incorporating human scribes, the hybrid model ensures that every note is double-checked, with details adjusted to fit the provider’s specific needs, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

Reduced Burden on Providers: With human-assisted AI, providers are relieved from the task of editing notes. This allows them to focus entirely on patient care, rather than spending valuable time on administrative corrections. The human scribe ensures that the final notes are accurate and ready to be uploaded to the EMR, minimizing the risk of errors and maintaining compliance.

Flexibility: The hybrid model also offers flexibility. If a provider needs a note immediately and has the time to make quick edits themselves, they have the option to do so. This flexibility means that documentation can be made available instantaneously, allowing providers to print, fax, or share notes with fellow specialists without delay. Such adaptability is particularly valuable in dynamic healthcare environments.

Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to hiring in-person scribes, human-assisted AI solutions are far more affordable, making them accessible to a wide range of healthcare practices. Providers get the benefits of AI-driven automation, with the added assurance of human quality control, at a fraction of the cost.

Increased Provider Efficiency: On average, a hybrid model can save providers up to 10 hours a week that would otherwise be spent on documentation. This saved time can be redirected to seeing more patients, enhancing patient care, or even allowing providers to achieve a better work-life balance, reducing burnout, and improving job satisfaction.

A Win-Win for Providers and Patients

The combination of AI efficiency with human expertise offers a significant advantage for healthcare providers. Providers using a human-assisted AI model can save up to 3 hours per day on documentation. This time can be used to see 1-2 additional patients or to spend quality time with family and friends, ultimately reducing provider burnout. By handling documentation efficiently, this approach enhances patient interactions and ensures more comprehensive patient records.

Real-World Impact

Primary Care Practice Success: A Primary Care practice utilizing a human-assisted AI solution was able to reduce their documentation time by 40%, allowing providers to see an additional patient each day while maintaining high-quality notes.

Orthopedic provider Time Savings: An Orthopedic provider saved up to 3 hours daily, which they reallocated towards spending quality time with their family, significantly reducing burnout.

The Hybrid Approach: The Future of Clinical Documentation

The blend of AI and human intelligence provides a level of service that neither could achieve alone. Human-assisted AI is more than just a tool—it is a comprehensive solution that ensures accuracy, efficiency, and compliance while allowing providers to focus on what they do best: caring for patients.

If you are interested in a solution that combines the power of AI with the expertise of human scribes, ScribeRYTE PLUS by ScribeEMR is designed to meet these needs. Learn more about how ScribeRYTE PLUS can make a difference in your practice by visiting or contacting us at